Yes many people will say test test test!. Its important to take notes which you will be able to look back upon to other similar days either testing or racing at the track regarding the best set-up to best suite your driver i.e front end tracking, type of axle stubs fitted (caster/camber angles & ride height, rear axle type i.e hard/medium/softride height, rear wheel hubs sizes and settings all of which are very important.
Don't forget tyre pressures (higher pressures generally means more grip)However, old tyres or tyres which have endured many heat cycles will often go hard after a period of time (as can often be the case especially in cadets) which in turn will generally operate with less grip!! therefore no matter how good your chassis set-up may be to best suit the track and conditions remember to consider your tyres. In the case of the Warden Law track when conditions are dry it might be worth considering a new set of tyres at your next meeting to determine if this helps with your set-up !!