ok,i have to say,im very annoyed that i have to replace my helmet for next year as its only 1 year old and i spent a good deal of time spray painting it myself.its a BS type A helmet and rather than phase out my make of helmet,the MSA in their wisdom have decided to make it illegal(and 100's of others) next year.let me say again,im not happy at all with this!
but,ive had a quick look around and noticed two pretty cheap helmets that might do me.whaqt id like to know (from anyone that knows their stuff)is how long will these helmets be legal for?
i dont want to be spending another hundered and odd quid on a helmet that will only last a year until the MSA decide(apparently on a whim)to make another type of helmet illegal,in short,does anyone know if in the next few years will these two helmets be made illegal? in particular im interested in the V2
many thanks,ill take a valium and settle down
duccinni k801 snell 2005
v2 pro (this is the one im interested in but not sure of the marking)