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So where does the money go?
Posted by 'TeamKermit' on 20 Nov 2009 @ 11:22

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Joined: October 2001
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Having just read the ABkC October newsletter, I noticed that, hidden at the very end, that the Start Karting pack is going up to �45, due to Vat going back to 17.5%. Also, the cost of the ARKS test is increasing by �3.50 to �85. This is more than the extra 2.5% on Vat for Arks.
So what do you get for your �85?
An Arks examiner, who is not paid by Arks or the MSA, and who does the job primarily out of the love of the sport. He/she may get basic expenses, which are funded by the club/school. Oh yes, you also get to fill in an Arks examination sheet and receive a receipt. So there are some stationery costs.
I understand that some of the �85 is returned to the club/school, but it is not a vast amount. Giving the benefit of the doubt, let's say �30 goes back to the club/school. I suppose you could allow �15 for administration costs, which excludes postage as that is funded either by the examiner or club/school.
So what do we get for the remaining �40? As I see it, nothing! What happens to the test forms once they are sent to Arks, and what happens to the information?
I am not against drivers having to take a test. Common sense dictates that competitors should be capable before they are allowed to race. What I am against is basically a regime that deters people from getting into the sport. Typically, you have to spend around �160 before you have even turned a wheel (�45 - MSA Pack ; �30 - Practice fees ; �85 - Arks test). There seems to be a serious incongruity in those figures.
The MSA pack provides Blue / Gold books ; DVD ; Licence application ; ancillary documentation.
The club/school provides marshals ; scrutineers ; medical cover ; administration/maintenance staff ; CoCs / Arks examiners.
Arks provide a test form and a receipt.

Surely, wouldn't it be better if it was a prerequisite that anyone taking their test had to attend, a minimum of, two practice days at the circuit where they are to take the test, and the cost of the test be reduced to something around the �30 mark. This would guarantee income to the club as well as covering the administration/stationery costs for Arks, plus some profit.
Or am I missing something here?
Answers on a postcard please.

Message Thread:

So where does the money go?  by 'TeamKermit'  << You are here!
Where are the postcards or .......  by 'TeamKermit'   (22 Nov 2009 @ 18:13)

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