Thanks for the response and you're quite right about the equal machinery. Timed qualyfying and unequal machinery leads to the sort of races where you can't tell the front from the back of the field within 5 laps.
Although I like the mixed grid format, for the way it sorts out the quick racers from the quick drivers, as a parent it does nothing for the heart rate. We spent our first two years karting on slicks regardless of conditions and consequently one of Simom's 'skills' is pushing really hard on cold rubbber, and taking many places around the outside in the first couple of corners. Unfortunately it is only a matter of time before he meets a ZIP facing the wrong way on his line!
Two questions: For Easykart is it new tyres for every round? Do MSA helmet regs apply? Lol.
I like the comment about S1 & FKS needing ferry crossings. I wish, it's a ferry crossing for me even for a club race at Forest. My choice though. I would add that the Tunnel over to Europe is usually less than �100 return now.