Actually thats better than I thought, on the vibration front, but boy dies the go pro lens really fish eye distort the picture, to get such a wide angle, still you get to see the nose which is all the clerk of the course wants to see. Quite a ground rush effect being close to the ground though.
A little off topic, but from production point of a view (and I don't know if S1's tv production company is getting access to this footage), but in my humble opinion it's not really offering the viewer a truer appreciation, immersive experience of something like what driving/racing a kart is like, nor from driver point of view can you learn lines and braking points from that. Which is a tad disappointing as either.
As a comparison, here only off topic interest, have a look at this
This is also a HD 30fps (bullet style) onboard, but mounted to a lid, nots so good for clerking but much more useable from a viewing, driver aid point of view.