I paid �139, and �30 for the blue iridium visor, same as on the web. I really wanted to try the helmet on though so thats why i waited until Kartmania. Having handled the product for the first time today i actually think its such good value for �139 that i didnt even haggle(most unlike me). it really does feel like a solid piece of equipment and the build of the moving parts is far better than the Duchini, and also the Bell range for that matter which i also considered. Chuffed to bits and gave it straight to the graphics guy for him to weave his magic. It was my first time at Kartmania, having being only in karting for a year and i must say i thoroughly enjoyed it . I can imagine though that for the more seasoned karters that if you have been a few times then there is little reason to go unless you going to kartboot or you after a deal on a chassis.