Yes we ordered a whole box full you live and learn hey! we have been practicing for 14 months never had a problem with a kart starting ever, but our first race was a nightmare oiled up plugs, carb trouble, throttle cable snapping you name it we had it. Even when we did get running we had a massive flat spot on the engine out of slow corners which my son kept telling me about (saying Dad its got no acceleration) but me knowing best said no son there is nothing wrong with it and i think it�s you not driving around the corners fast enough. It was only when we got home and loaded the data on the computer i found out he was correct what an idiot i know feel a big apology was in hand, but i suppose the driver does know best as he is out there feeling it i think i have to learn to listen a bit more just seems strange taking feedback from a 7 year old but we stilled enjoyed it and cannot wait till our next race Andy