dont know if Mike is slagging of Marshals. At corner 2 there is a paid MSA person watching the racing. But no one ever seems to get done for loading or passing by loading.
In the B final on the last lap there was a 2 kart scrap for 4th place with a couple of corners to go, now almost every one was watching to see who got that 4th place to move into the A final. Guess what 5th loaded 4th spun him around and everyone watching clearly sore the loading. But nothing was done. Money down and then they say o someome did see somthing but did not see which number it was. By not giving out points its clearly not working. In my awning i have heard drivers saying they might as well load up because big chance they will get away with it. Its needs sorting but how.... I say bring back points. Another good thing is, if its clear who knocked who of the race finished places should be swopped.
ie two lead drivers on the last lap. 2nd place knocks of 1st and wins, the one knocked off finishes last. the winner then gets disqualified from that race. I think it would be better to swap the places.