Nice sensible topic Paul and I feel for you.
Firstly the idea of working is surely to do all the things you enjoy as well as to provide for yourself and family. I used to find buying a car I couldnt really afford on finance made me work that little bit harder anyway and knowing that you are getting up to go to work for something you enjoy is so much more motivational than "yay I've paid my tv licence."
As a qualified mortgage advisor (although not trading currently) interest only mortgages are a good idea as inflation severely reduces the actual "worth" of the amount borrowed at redemption time. Risky yes but you are on the housing ladder early so more than enough time to rectify any mistakes.
My final say will go to George Best when he was describing being skint "I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered." Really sums it up. Don't stop if you enjoy it. My nan worked all her life in a really good job and died less than a year into retirement. Don't put off what you can do today.