Funnily enough I did this last Friday night for the first time and its all pretty simple once you get going. Some bits may not be the approved way, but it was my first time too and it worked and was checked over by those who know better than I afterwards.
Wheels off Sprocket and carrier off Remove bolts from brake disc and carrier, so they float Remove bearing grub screws WD40 axle where it passes through the bearings (liberally) Loosen the bearing / axle hangers Tap in a flat headed screwdriver to each hanger to open them up a bit Hammer, rubber, or hammer and some soft wood. Tap out the axle in the direction of the side that is bent (sucks if the bend is somehow in the middle though)so the bend doesn't have to pass through the bearing. Used a socket extension to tap the axle through the bearings. Take care to tap in the centre so as not to burr the edges of the axle. Note you may need something or someone to support the axle as it passes through the second bearing so that gravity doesn't make it drop and wedge itself in the bearing. Otherwise you'll have to nip up the carrier a little to hold it steady and carry on tapping away. (Tapping can also mean walloping) Once the axle is out, remove the bearings by prying open the hanger a little more, twisting them in the carrier (a bit like fitting tyres) and sliding out.
And as the Haynes manual says replace as they all came out, remembering to put your disc and carrier back on and positioning the disc between the pads before you slide the axle the whole way through.