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Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede
Posted by 'richydehav' on 16 Nov 2011 @ 08:11

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At the moment if you were abusive/hit another parent/driver/official the only penalty available to CoC is to penalise your driver (if under 18).
Possibly a bit harsh on a 10 year-old who is a very fair driver (sure they do exist!).

The PG licence enables CoC to penalise the parent/licence holder - not sure what happens if Mum has the licence and Dad commits the offence.

If you are the licence holder and can not make the meeting then you notify the club in writing stating who you have authorised to act for you - just the same as if you sign the entry form and then can not make it on the day.

This has been planned for a long time and the draft proposals were reported in the ABKC newsletter in October 2008 and mentioned again in October 2009 when the introduction was delayed as it applied to all motor sport under the MSA.

The ABKC newsletters are well worth rerading as they give advance notice of proposed changes and let you know when consultation documents are available on the MSA website. You can either read them from the club notice board or on the ABKC website.

Message Thread:

Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it needed?  by 'Spice'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 20:39)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 21:02)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'Spice'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 21:27)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (15 Nov 2011 @ 22:44)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'  << You are here!
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'Graham S'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 9:34)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 10:18)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 11:41)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'davidmc'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 11:57)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'KJM'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 12:58)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'richydehav'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 12:59)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'SteveGraves'   (16 Nov 2011 @ 14:23)
Re: Pg licence whats it all about? Why is it neede  by 'wavedyellow'   (17 Nov 2011 @ 22:51)

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