Steve, FYI, if you click download forms on the right hand side of you can download all your entry forms for the year which have submission deadlines marked on them.
You can also create an account. Within that section, you can enter the races and pay for fuel and tyres online.
However, you're right. Still no sign of an entry list and if you want to enter online and pay by debit card or paypal directly out of your bank account, you'll have to pay the inflated price with a CC surcharge applied which was the point raised in my first post.
Lets be fair, This is a better experience than usual. BUT, we were promised entry lists on the site yesterday and there's clearly a few issues to be ironed out.
Lets use the thread as a constructive feedback to S1 so they can get it right rather than slating their efforts - I'm sure a lot of work has been put in.