Another thing to think about when assessing the numbers in the sport is to recognise that over the last 10 years the population of the country has grown and you would expect the numbers in the sport to grow. So lets say that 10 years ago we had a population of 50 million and out of them 1 in 10,000 people are MSA registered karters that means that there would be 5000 registered karters. 10 years on the population is 60 million and if we still had the same 1 in 10,000 figure you would expect to have 6000 MSA registered karters. (example figures not factual).
I don't think that the rising costs of fuel is helping the budget racers. Just an extra �30 on the weekend can push it out of reach for the average Joe. Maybe the MSA can get a deal struck with the government to allow tax free controlled fuel for racing.
I think it needs to be evaluated what average Joe can afford to spend on a race weekend, then work out what it actually costs and try and match the two. For me �200 for the weekend is a lot of money. �150 would be very reasonable. (That's for everything including fuel to and from the track).
If we're not careful only the rich will be in the sport. We need a good variety of people not one set class of people.