i think so long as you can prove you had the licence you will just need to do the written test. 8.3.2.
heres what the 2012 blue book says:
Kart Licences 8.3. A competitor making an application for the first time for a Kart (not Kart Clubman) licence must obtain a novice kart driver �Starting Karting Pack�, which contains the required application form, from the MSA and then complete an approved course at a school registered with the Association of Racing Kart School (ARKS). The procedure to be followed is contained in the �Pack�. Exemptions are as follows: 8.3.1. Anyone who has held a National �B� Kart licence at any time during 2009, 2010 or 2011. Competitors who have not renewed or held a National �B� licence since 2008 or earlier must comply with the requirement for first time applicants detailed above. 8.3.2. *Anyone who can provide proof of having ever held, or entitled to hold, a Kart or Race licence of higher status than Restricted or National �B�. Competitors who have not renewed their licence for 5 years or more will be required to pass the ARKS written examination. 8.3.3. Anyone who can provide proof of having ever held a Kart Clubman licence and can produce written proof of having been classified as a finisher in at least 6 Kart Endurance, Kart Tyro or Bambino Kart events races, held under the jurisdiction of the MSA, during 2010, 2011 or 2012. � (The �Starting Karting Pack� is required in this instance and the driver will be required to pass the ARKS written examination.) 8.3.4. Anyone who can provide proof of holding a National Schools Karting Association (NatSKA) National licence during 2010, 2011 or 2012. 8.3.5. *Anyone who can provide proof of holding a Pro- Racer card (as approved by the MSA) and has obtained eight signatures from qualifying races, a minimum of four of which must be outdoor races. (The �Starting Karting Pack� is required in this instance and the driver will be required to pass the ARKS written examination.) 8.3.6. Anyone who, being a foreign national, can produce proof from their ASN that they have the necessary Karting experience. 8.3.7. A National �A� Kart licence may be applied for by a holder of a National Competition Licence issued by the Auto Cycle Union providing that proof is produced of competing in National motorcycle racing during the preceding three years. This is also subject to passing the ARKS written examination. *As the written examination is based on the Yearbook and other information contained in the �Starting Karting Pack�, it is recommended that the pack is purchased in these exemption categories. Stage Rally Licence 8.4.1. A competitor making an application for the first time for a Stage Rally licence must obtain a novice stage rally �Go Rallying Pack�, which contains the required application form, from the MSA and then complete an approved course at a school registered with the British Association of Rally Schools (BARS). The procedure to be followed is contained in the �Pack�. Exemptions are as follows: 8.4.2. Anyone who has ever held a Non-Race National �B� licence or higher, or equivalent, valid for driving on Special Stage Rallies held before 31 December 2001. 8.4.3. Anyone who has ever held a Restricted or National Rally licence. 8.4.4. Anyone who, being a foreign national, can produce proof from their ASN that they have held a licence valid for driving on Special Stage Rallies or Hill Rallies.