Griffin Racing will have an engine at their awning on Fri/Sat/Sun at 3 Sisters,it is on a Zip kart,and tested all ok with 6.2 on the dyno and could be for sale. The engine has been checked(stripped and re-built) by MSD Racing who will be looking after Parilla Gazelle engine /carb preparation/repair in the N.West, and with their success building our multiple podium and the O plate,plus more Formula Blue 100cc winning engines, which are the Gazelles big brother, are well up to the task.
The secret with Parillas is the oil used and mixture ratio,NOT the same as a Comer
Castrol A747 at 30mls to a litre of ORDINARY unleaded unless the MSA decides on a one supplier only oil.(its �17.50 a litre),no seizures in 6 years though ..