As a club we had a stand at the show, and to be honest I really liked the venue and the faciliteies were great, (darn side warmer than the Ricoh!) and being held at Silverstone gave it a bit more of a 'racing' feel.
There were a lot of newbies at the show this year and they come to the show to get as much infomation on how to get into the sport, where to race, which class etc. As Kartmania is dedicated to karting and as this is the grassroots level of motorsport I think it was disappointing not to have the MSA and ABKc there to be on hand to offer help and advice.
The hassle of getting your purchases from the Kartboot back to the car possibly could be looked at but that is a small distraction.
Well done Martin tou you and and your team as all in all it was a super event this year and a real shame you were let down at the last minute by the guys that were going to run the outside testing area!