Half a second from changing the tyres would do nicely. I've also had the exhaust in caustic soda as I found it was seriously coked up - hopefully improve performance a bit now it's clean. I'm trying to track down anything which might contribute to a performance gain. He's driving much better than he was last summer when he first drove a cadet kart but his times haven't been improving as much as I thought they would and we are a couple of kilos under still but I didn't add all the ballast at once so as not to demoralise him. We tested motors last weekend and only changed the motors and the gearing by 2 teeth on each motor and he was on it all day so we got some good data. Next time out we want to move onto chassis set up, but I take on board the idea that he needs someone to work with and that the 90% of improvement will come from the driver.