It always seems to be the same reaction when this type of thread is posted with the advice that the 'poster' should try doing the job to see how difficult it is etc etc etc etc
I know what a thankless task it is and can only imagine how difficult a task it is .......but the person doing it also knows that and, I hope has been trained accordingly. They don't just draw lots to see who will do that job at the start of the day get to that position has taken some years and many hours of experience - they go in with their eyes fully open! - so when they get there, surely it is not too much to expect they are suitable for the job. Why should any criticism of that be bounced back in the suggestion 'if you can do better, come and have a go' .......if I take my car to a garage and get them to change a tyre, if the tyre comes off the rim a mile down the road, I don't get told to do it myself next time .....I EXPECT them to have been trained, be qualified and experienced enough to do the job that they are doing, in my view, I have the same expectation for a CoC ............and if they don't have those skills, then DON'T DO THE JOB!
Without doubt, they cannot possibly see everything going on and I absolutely apppreciate that and quite rightly my expectation of them does not extend beyond that, but, what they can't do themselves they surely are able to get others to assist with - delegate watching a part of the grid to those that can see it and get them to report anything they may have seen, or not least that way they (the CoC) can make a bit more of an informed decision rather than, what seems to be a regular outcome that 'I didn't see it'
just my thoughts