It seems that they delight in needless complication and not exactly great drafting...
How about: The white line defines the limits of the track Don't leave the track Anything, i.e. a bit of tyre, inside the white line counts as within the track If there is a kerb, go nuts - use it but anything beyond the edge of the kerb furthest away from the from the track, i.e. one wheel beyond that, is naughty. And in both circumstances unless there is a good reason, e.g. safety etc.
There you go, that'll be twenty shillings please...
Because anything less is ridiculous, and will require lots of line painting, cameras, or appointing marshals as judges of fact.
And to be honest what problem exactly is all this a r se gravy trying to solve? To try and "improve" the way in which people have been driving since year dot? Or perhaps it's because they felt that the CoCs didn't have enough to be getting on with?
Oh... and don't mention consultation... consultation looks like emailing the membership (you know in the way you get emailed for money etc) not tucking it away on the corner of the website...
Right the sun's out and I'm off to set fire to meat.....