Thing is drivers (and all people generally) have a bias in them that believes that they would never be the ones caught. So thats why a lot of these punishments don't actually work as a deterrent. (and most deterrents generally).
Way to stop loading into first corner would be to enforce a karts gap between the rows.
In terms of championships ruined, if the wrong person gets punished then thats two people's championship ruined rather than just the person pushed off. Problem is, the degree of accuracy for exclusions is no good - you can't blame CoC as we'd be no better in their place. Even if you had 100 observers they can easily miss them at the start simply because it's almost impossible to see when everyones so close.
Theres no magic solution I can see. Other than perhaps getting wireless pressure sensors on everyones front and rear bumpers...which, if it stops you getting �100+ damage every race may actually prove economic?