I read this forum and from time to time there has been knocking the big teams.
I would like to post about our experiences....
Me and my lad are a day and lad team, we race at a few tracks in the midlands and often see Fusion and Aim at these meetings.
About 6 weeks ago we borrowed a chassis to use as we had a problem with ours, we collected the chassis at the track but unfortunately was missing a seat mount.... We asked everyone we knew but no one had one including the trackside shops, and to be fair we would not expect then to carry this obscure part..... So unfortunately it looked at this point as if we would not be racing..... My son, who's nine then went off to find one himself, he went into Fusion and asked Dan Hazlewood if he had a spare he could borrow, he didn't, however what Dan done was to pull out a brand new chassis, remove the seat mount and happily lend it to him to get him racing.
Today we went to Shenington and we were all set up and ready to go then after practice we got on the scales and the kart was under weight....... So off my lad went to find some lead while I sorted the kart, he came back with a block of lead, I asked him where he got it, Fusion lent it to me he replied....
We will never run with Fusion, and there is nothing to be gained by Fusion helping us out again other than to get him out there racing....
I don't believe this is about us I believe Fusion would help anyone out struggling.
So thanks guys, it's great to see one of the big teams helping out the small guys.