This is a common problem. When fitted, the bolt usually locates through the rubber bush, in to a nut that, as tightened it compresses against the rubber bush making it a very tight fit in the chassis and making it difficult to remove and therefore the bumper (usually!!) stays in place.
Over time, the nut seizes on to the bolt and will not un do when the bolt is turned - you are left with a bolt that will just turn and turn etc
It seems to me that firstly, you are going to have to somehow get the bumper out of the way � easiest option I reckon is to grind/cut the allen key head of the bolt off which (hopefully) will allow the bumper to be removed. Or, if there is enough of a gap between the bumper and the chassis use a hacksaw to cut through the bolt � you are going to have to buy a new bolt in any case so it will have to be sacrificed!
This may be enough as the pressure of the compacted rubber bush will now be released. Then you can tackle the actual problem which is removing the bush. For what it is worth, I have found there are a couple of ways to get the bush out;
1. Spray some lubricant or similar type fluid (I use WD40 but others may not see this as a lubricant!) as much around the rubber as you can. You can try and push it a little bit further in to the chassis to allow some to �freeing off� but the problem is the rubber bush remains expanded. Then try to use 2 small screwdrivers (not your best ones !) and push them a little way between the bush and the inside of the chassis. I position them opposite each other. When you have them in place, try to use them in a sort of lever motion by pushing the handles away from you with the blade hopefully digging in to the bush and tease the rubber towards you and out of the chassis. When there is enough of the bush visible, you can sometimes get grips on it and pull it fully out
Or � (in your case, you will already have cut the head of the bolt off)
2. Grind/cut the head off the bit of the bolt visible, push it through the rubber (in to the chassis) which releases some pressure as it is no longer expanded and then do the lubricant/WD 40 and screwdrivers thing to tease the bush out � if you do this way, remember to locate the bolt from inside the chassis!!
Good luck