Have read your thread with interest and thought this may be helpful.
The Split & tapered collar method of securing the bearing onto the axle is quite common in the Prokart world which I know have 30mm axles. A good bearing supplier will be able to advise you if this type of bearing with a tapered inner race and matching tapered locking collar are available for other axle and carrier sizes.
One word of warning though, be careful not to over tighten the locking nut as this will have the effect of opening up the bearings inner race and binding up the balls between the 2 races.
Another tip when using this and other types of rear axle bearings, is to replace the section of key-way steel that holds the wheel hubs in position with a piece that extends as far inwards as the outer face of the inner race of the axle bearing and the end of the key-way machined in the axle. If however, the key-way is machined "off the end" of the axle you could go as far as the circlip near the ends if you wish or providing your rules permit, weld up the key-way slot just inside the circlips. Do this on both ends of the axle and providing the two pieces of key steel are held in position with the wheel hubs, the axle should not move axially through the bearings.