The Aixro is the answer to most things........ but it's NOT cheap!
I'd also not recommend driving the the current one without front brakes....... it'd be like driving a a Subaru Impreza Turbo without front brakes...... not wise!
The Baby Aixro is not on the visible horizon.
However, simple practice and experie4nce makes the National easy to start and run. I;ve been running them for 40 odd years.... they ARE simple if you are willing to LEARN and THINK! There is NOTHING out there that will give you the POWER of a National for anything LIKE the price!
The Rotax is an option ........ if you don't care about how your kart drives ........
Just jave a little patience, learn how to start it and to set it up. Reduce the Max revs by 1 or 2 thousand to DOUBLE or QUADRUPLE the 'life' of the engine. Buy any that you see coming up on Ebay etc. and you will have a LONG TERMS supply of simply FABULOUS motors which can even be thrown away when they fail as fitting another with be cheaper than rebuilding the existing one! These things are DIRT CHEAP today!