The biggest thing is to make sure that you, Jake,Mark, Dan etc did not get squeezed off the grid or the class split down so that you would have to race as a seperate grid. That is in no ones interest
Have a look on the clay forum.
The 177 class would race as they do now.
From the results of the 177 heats, and finals, we would then pull out the masters results.
Personally and this is the bit I wanted diecussion on. If you just make it over 35 are masters and the results are purely based on the final result then the older master is still in the same position he is now, struggling. By the way, I dont count myself in that category, I am still a novice and accept that if I want to win, then I have to get faster, take my brain out and push the youngsters back.
The over 35's want to feel that they can still win something.
So to make the masters a bit more than just straight points based on final position, can you make it better by giving points for overtaking or having the fastest lap in the masters class then maybe it would make it a bit more interesting and people still getting rewarded for skill.
I am trying to work with this years results to see how it would work and then hopefully people would have a choice.
This is just my idea and thats why I wanted to hear what other clubs have tried and found. What works and what doesn't etc.
Hopefully, at the next race we can all have a chat about it and see what we think.