I wrote - - "hi there, thanks for the interest in the TKM, it is available in 3 colours, RED, BLUE and GREEN. the chassis are also available in STRAIGHT, ANGLED and CURVED. The price is 195.00 GBP" .Thanks
He wrote - - Thanks for the mail I am satisfied with the REDTalko TKM rolling chassis and i am willing to offer you �195. I will need you to provide me with your Name,Address and Phone # so i can forward to my client to get you the by cheque or Bank Draft that will cover the cost of the RED Talko TKM rolling chassis,shipping,insurance and delivery in your name. Once you have the payment, the shippers will contact you to make arrangement for the pick up of the RED Talko TKM rolling chassis at your location. I will like to also offer you �50 to take off the advert from the internet and consider t "SOLD" to me in order to avoid mis-understanding with other customers. Thanks Kelvin.
I replied - - I need to know if you want the straight, curved or square chassis as i have three re-welded bent ones. Which one will suit your needs best ? Regards Russell.
To which he replied --Thanks for the mail a straight chasis will suit me.Pls do send me your details so that i can have payment issued and sent to you immediately. Kelvin
Then - - Hello Russ, Thanks for the mail i have fowarded your details to my client to issue and send you the cheque today and concerning the pick up of the chasis i have made arrangements with my agent who will come for the pick up as soon as you confirm payment .I will like you to send me your phone number so that i can give you a call today to talk better . AWAITING YOUR RESPONSE Kelvin.
Wonder if my "RED RE-WELDED BENT STRAIGHT CHASSIS" will be taking part in The Safari Cup ? ha ha ha