Oh dear, there you go again: more bad English! The use of the personal pronoun: "I", is ALWAYS marked with a capital letter!
How ASTOUNDING that you make THAT mistake when you started this thread by castigating ME for my use of capitals!
Errr... and why was the word 'ELECTRIC' put in capitals? Was that to EMPHASIZE the word?
Good LORD!
What a BRILLIANT idea!
I shall have to start using the same idea!
Oh... I already AM doing that!
That's odd, isn't it? That you complain because I do something only for you to do the IDENTICAL thing in your very next posting...
Having said all that, it really IS nice to 'meet' you! I am NOT a misogynist and I would not normally be THIS rude...... but you DID introduce yourself by attacking me FIRST!
With kind regards