Steve you say �That�s not fair� and you are correct in this case, I apologise to Graham.
However I think we may well have a real problem with Club numbers next year.
You say �...........needs not to create other problems by doing so which drive the costs higher by default!�
Whilst I agree with that statement I cannot see how any of my three thoughts will do that, but I may be wrong? Which is why an ABkC review would have been beneficial.
I have to say that I hope it�s not just me that thinks karting will suffer during this recession.
On the �customer� point I cannot agree with you, I have spoken personally to two club chairmen in the past few weeks and both agree that there Clubs indeed to improve their customer focus and have plans in place to do so.
The cost gap between Super1, Stars etc and simple Club racing is just not there, I believe if we can activity reduce the cost of club racing, using my ideas and any others considered appropriate, whilst leaving S1 and Stars to do their own thing, all of karting will benefit. Do you think Formula Ford should cost the same as F1?
If a club racer can reduce the cost of his tyre bill by a third and extend the rebuild interval of his engine by a factor of two, how does this not benefit all of karting?
Now as far as I can see at the moment the only thing that is stopping these changes next year is the ABkC and the MSA.
How is it that Max and FIA can see a problem coming and we cannot?
Finally, if we cannot discuss the future of karting on here where do we? the last thing I want to say next year is I told you so. I would much rather me castigated for crying wolf!