They are NOT 'Myths'! The mistake is to assume that doing XYZ on ONE kart or one CLASS of kart will make the SAME difference on ANOTHER!
Being honest, if you are not feeling the difference in the handling after moving your (let's guess) front wheels by (guess again) 3 centimetres, then you are either not doing it RIGHT or there is something which is overwhelming those changes and that COULD be your weight distribution. Have you ever measured it? As you say, it coulkd ALSO be the wway you 'picth in'.
However, be aware that many of thiose changes will only affect your ability to TURN in! On a long corner, the manner in which you 'pitch in' begins to drift away and the basic handling oif the kart takes over. For ecample, a basically understeering kart CAN be pitched into oversteer on entry for a 180 degree corner but, unless it's wet or you have LOADS of power, the understeer will start to overwhelm you 'pitch in' by about half way. Diagnose what the kart is 'doing' THROUGHOUT a long corner and explain it, measure the weight distribution and then tell us and we'll see if we can help.