True, so reducing the fees for a short period shouldn't be a problem then should it?
For a short period it shouldn't affect matters surely?
True, and regards licence renewals etc that seems much improved over the fiasco of a few years ago.
Never said it was.
That is something you and I have discussed before and I still think it is a worthwhile idea, however..
Almost certainly true :-(
Unfortunately definately true.
We can argue until the cows come home on here about fixed gearing, harder tyres etc, but it'll never happen because there are far to many people with diverse opinions about the above, there are also to many people with vested commercial interests who would resist such change anyway, so this is NOT something that would/could happen quickly enough to actually have an effect on costs in time. By reducing the fees everyone would feel the effect of that at the next meeting whilst giving breathing space to us, the ABkC, MSA et-al to debate and think through better, more long term cost saving ideas, and then get them implemented.