You say the current Steering Group �will carry on doing the sensible thing�
Which appears from what you say to be nothing but tinker with the new CIK regs as suits them, whoops sorry, UK karting.
Was it not you who said �cost savings� were not even on the agenda� for the last meeting?
Does not that demonstrate a deep and fundamental misunderstanding of the current global economic situation and how it will impact all sports which rely on a reasonable level of disposable income? Or indeed of what grassroots at Club karting should be about.
You in this thread have majored on the �Big Teams� and how they add cost to the sport but don�t seem to realize that these and other costs like painted helmets etc are purely optional and not by any means a requirement to go and enjoy some club racing.
The costs we all need to focus on are the non-optional costs which is why my proposals focused only on these costs and offered considerable savings.
I still believe all of my proposals are realistic and will work, but as I have said only if there is a genuine will to make them work.
For instance you again asked in this thread �what would we do with the tyres once they had been bagged and sealed?� well give them back to the competitor of course!
He/she would then bring them back to the next meeting where at scrutineering when the kart was being inspected, they would be checked, opened, re-stamped and fitted to the kart.