'If your not happy don't go racing'.
Well that's sorted karting out for the until 2012 then.
NEXT PROBLEM, 'cos Steve's on a roll here.
Seriously, the Vega wet has BIG BIG problem at the moment with variations of about 1 1/ 2 secs a lap.
There is a strange oily substance leeching out of the compound, almost as if you've sprayed them with oil.
It's oily to the touch too and smells funny, although that could have been Josh or Crossly in the Rye House shop!.
They're utterly useless in he wet.
In fact a slick wil give you more grip.
They've obviously had a problem in the factory but don't give a ****.
They don't use batch numbers so they wouldn't have a clue.
That's one of the reasons I'd like to change tyres.
Dunlop have also had a big problem with Cadet tyres although they don't hve the decency to reply to any calls or emails.
Does that ring a bell?
That's why old stock is fetching a good price.