Christ, Dan...... someone will AGAIN accuse us of being the same person!
I obviously agree with you but I suspect that, like me, although NJB may disagree with our views, we do NOT want him to leave or to shut-up! His views are INVALUABLE. His 'championships' prove he knows what he's talking about and SHOULD be heard!
However, that does NOT make what he say completely 'unchallengable' as though they are handed down on tablets of stone! I reserve the right to SAY so!
So.... for me.... I'd prefer if NJB carried on posting.... but stopped being QUITE so 'high and mighty'! (Oooooo.... 'pot and kettle' come to mind, here!).
I do NOT want to be 'unchallenged': I am wrong a LOT of the time. I still hope I have the humility to say so when someone PROVES it!