We cannot salve your conscience for you.
I agree with the application of the rules and you have asked them to be applied to the LETTER.... which is your right!
Personally, I would draw the line at complaining when others get an unfair ADVANTAGE from the 'breach'.
Shouldn't you be asking the questions:
1) Do you feel that he gained ANY realistic PERFORMANCE advantage from the exhaust, bodywork or disk protector?
2) Do you feel that he had any REALISTIC chance of being less safe for himself or that he made it any LESS safe for you or the spectators and officials from the breaches?
If so, in my opinion, you did the 'right thing'. If not, then I can see why you are not so sure.
You also need to be CERTAIN that YOU were 'whiter-than-white'. For example, EXACTLY the same rule book states that a racer must NOT leave the track, repeatedly. Did your lad AVOID the kerbs for the whole race because that IS breaching the same rules book, too? I assume that he jumped the kerbs (like everyone else) and he WOULD have gained a performance advantage by THAT breach. The 'moral high ground' slips away in that case.
For me, so long as the scrute actually DID something for the 'next' meeting, that would have been enough for me., so long as the 'breaches' hadn't made him FASTER.
However, you were there and I was not!
Expect that scrute to be VERY precise on your kart, next time, though!