I hate it when I agree with you :)
I can understand unfair performance gains being questioned and protested as karts in a particular class should be as equal as possible, then it's all down to driver and setup, which is the thing that actually shows us how good you really are.
I can't believe an exhaust could be overhanging by 3 inches anyway, what was it attached by, a sky hook?
Possibly the disk protector wouldn't have fitted his new kart so he would have wasted his money buying one. If he had old style pods it doesn't sound like he's got much money just a lot of talent.
If the guy is buying a new kart next month anyway, I can't see anything wrong with the scrut allowing the kart to race for the one meeting.
These pods are still allowed in TKM and are deemed safe.
I think Ian's quip about 'Let him who is without sin,cast the first stone', is quite appropriate.
If you ARE squeaky clean then ok, but if not, accept that someone got given a 'get out of jail free' card.
You might be grateful for one yourself one day when you could have been excluded and the scrut turns a blind eye to your little 'oversight'.
Some of you say that the rules should be strictly adhered to and that's always the case, right up till the time it affects you, then you gripe the loudest.
At the end of the day, karting is just a kids game, whether your coming out of a big all singing and dancing awning or working off the back of a trailer with no awning.
It's just a game so treat it as such and enjoy it.
None of you ain't EVER gonna hit the big time and if I was a scout and saw someone complain like that, I would cross you off my 'maybe' list anyway.
In the old days of racing, you would stop and help someone who may have broken down or crashed but there now seems to be an attitude of 'win at all costs'.
You got beaten by a wreck and a guy with more talent, get over it.
Second ain't bad but FIRST under those circumstances IS!
I bet that pot rings a bit hollow when struck.
You shouldn't have accepted it as you didn't win it on the track.