The words you use don't help us. Nobody has EVER 'banned' the Arrows from karting to the best of my knowledge....
However, some tracks do not allow ANY 2 stroke motors and that would prevent you using the Arrows at those. That's often simply a 'noise' thing!
Also, the class in which the Arrows raced ended YEARS ago at a 'mainstream' level. However, there are Historic races (it's an OLD engine!) may allow them. Secondly, races not run to the Motor Sports Association (MSA) rules MAY allow you to race them. You'll see them advertised as 'Non-MSA'.
If the KART (chassis) was old, it may not have all the required 'crash structures' now needed. Are you SURE that they didn't allow you to use the CHASSIS rather than the engine?
Finally, be FAIR to karting. The engine is VERY old (1970s to 1980s.... I had a number of them!). If you turned up at a modern day Formula Ford race with a an old race car with a SIDE VALVE Ford Popular E93a engine (from the 1940s and 1950s), you wouldn't expect to find a race class for it, would you?
I have changed the title so that someone who lives in your area may advise you, if that doens't work, post a new 'thread' with a title LIKE that.