Only partially joking!
I, for one, have become sick and TIRED over the years hearing the bragging and boasting of the Scots about how 'canny' they are with their finances and how they COULD run their own country, and how they DOMINATE our TV and our Parliament and how they can vote on OUR stuff even when it doesn't affect THEM... that my humour and anger get confusingly mixed!
However, blaming US for the DISASTER they got themselves into LAST time and blaming US for them BEGGING us to help them out... and blaming US for saving their sorry a**es and accusing US of 'colonialism' when they BEGGED for our help.... and being the BEST damned fighting forces OF our troops and STILL blaming us for 'colonialism when it was THEIR best men whop did the fighting FOR us..... makes me feel that NikG might JUST have a few, deeply hidden, Caledonian relatives! (Regards to you, Nik. I cannot BEILEVE you have any Scot's mongrelism in you!)
Ohhhhhh.... I could go on for HOURS (an usually DO!) but, like my feeling about the pretentiously Smug Macintosh people, every so often it just gets on my T**S
Hmmmm.... I've just noticed ANOTHER anomaly:
MacIntosh computrers... Mac....
Anyone ELSE notice the Scot's link, there?