Try something else, too.
Draw a Diagram of your sprocket arrangement. By all means use coins and teacups or whatever to get ROUGHLY the right ratio sizes. Then draw two drawing, one with the 'sprockets' close together and another with them far apart. Not draw lines joining the two sets of sprockets representing the chain on each.
Now look at how much MORE of the chain is wrapped around the 'drive sprocket' when the sprockets are far apart.
Do the same thing with different sized 'rear sprockets and notice how the smaller the DRIVEN sprocket, the more chain is wrapped around the 'drive' sprocket.
That should anwser the questions for you.
It can be surprisingly different. Wheras you may be able to get almost half of the drive sprocket's teeth 'enmeshed' in one arrangement, you may get as low as 1/3rd in another. That puts a LOT more strain on those few enmeshed teeth!