I will apologise INSTANTLY to you.... so long as you can show me WHERE I stated in my reply to Gupi that he should consider TKM.... or ehere i even named ANY other kart Class than Rotax.....
(....short wait while you bother to READ my answer to Gupi.....)
..... did you FIND any other class even MENTIONED.....?
So.... I won't wait for your apology.... I'll just take it as a given as you ARE one of the gentlemen of karting!
I also won't BOTHER to rehe-a-rse (banned word!!! Bizarre!!) all the arguments about how EVERYBODY knows that the engines are NOT equal .....INCLUDING the bloke who has won a HELL of a lot of championships with them who FORMALLY STATES that the engine are SUBSTANTIALLY and VERY V*A*L*U*A*B*L*Y DIFFERENT from each other ON THIS WEB SITE! Remember, he was willing to pay VASTLY over the 'standard' price for such motors..... was THAT because they are 'all equal'???? AS IF!!!!.
Nor will I attempt to make a LARGE point out of Rotax producing a new barrel with the reason (supposedly given on this web site by 'those who know'!) being to RETURN the 'current' batch of motors to a more CONSISTENT standard! I don't claim to KNOW that the engines WILL be more consistent or even KNOW if they WERE getting MORE inconsistent; I am only quoting OTHER 'Rotax experts' from THIS site!
All this is NOT the point! I was VERY careful to say that the MAJORITY like Rotax and that it may WELL suit Gupi. That hardly seems like advice for him to go to (you said it!) TKM!
All this seems to have passed you bye in you RANT over an imagined promotion of TKM!
I think we also ought to tell Gupi the percentage of our ANNUAL INCOME which comes directly or INDIRECTLY from Rotax as a kart class (not the COMPANY!)!
I am happy to state that ZERO comes to me from that source. In fact, not a SINGLE PENNY comes directly or INDIRECTLY from A*N*Y KARTING! I therefore have NO financial interest in Gupi's choice AT ALL. Can all the REST of you say that.....?
I will STICK to every single ONE of my comments to Gupi! So much so, that I will REPEAT them:-
I do NOT like the Rotax as a class and I do NOT believe that 'all the motors are equal'.... and nor do I believe in father Christmas.... no matter HOW much you would LIKE me to believe in O*T*H*E*R FAIRY STORIES!