Clearly not everybody is comfortable with Ebay. My own experience is 3 karts for �300 each Including 4 TKM engines 2 of which are clutched, all low bore 1 on original, 2 even have all their fins, a Trolley, Two starters, loads of spares used and unused. Only work required are normal engine rebuilds, brake bleeding and front wheel bearings. Try buying just one good clutched engine alone on this site for under �300. This has equated to loads of fun and some learning for myself, my kids and their friends. How many of you let your kids' friends on your karts ?. Maybe some of you can petition the MSA for a new rule 'No Kart Purchased From Ebay May Be Raced' Me, I will not exclude any selling outlet while looking to now upgrade. Maybe some of you haven't looked very closely at Ebay recently. There is some excellent kit at reasonable prices. There is also a lot of older kit that is still great fun. Feel free to leave your blinkers on it will keep prices down.