Scooby, my point is that if it were now 'legal' it would save a lot of time and hassle at the track. It would also save accusations flying round on here.
At the end of the day an 'over lubed' clutch WILL NOT and CANNOT be an advantage. It's a long time since I've had a clutch go on my car or van, but when they slip, It don't move. A little like black ice, no grip no movement. I'm merely saying why is everyone so bothered if the ere is a little grease, chain lube or bearing lube present, by accident or otherwise! By the nature of what grease is, it WILL melt and IT WILL get flung around, particularly on a rotation item.
As I said previously, IF it's deemed to be an advantage, let everyone do it. Suddenly a level playing field again!! Simple step, massive difference to time wasted at the circuit before or after all the races. It would certainly stop all the bitching. I've heard karts leaving the grid that sound like moto cross bikes before they move, but unless EVERY kart is check, it will never be stopped.