You are making the assumption that the figures produced by the Mychron are 'rubbish' and I'd have to agree.......except you fail to say against WHAT are you comparing it.....
Just how accurate do you think 'tuner's' dynos are? Guess how they are calibrated! Think about how much of an advantage an engine tuner would have if he had his Dyno 'calibrated' to read 20bhp when other people's dynos would have read 19bhp! How many of our less 'clever' people would think... 'Oooo... I MUST go to tuner XYZ becasue HE can get his engines to give 20bhp when tuner ABC and the rest only show 19bhp....'
Of course that NEVER happens....... does it?
Secondly, in REALITY, it is the ONLY correct way to MEASURE the 'power' on an engine! Who the HELL cares what the engines does ON A BENCH...... I haven't RACED a bench for YEARS! The reaction of your engine ON the kart ON the track is the ONLY thing which matters!
Finally, to be precise, the older forms of bench dynos measure the engine's output at a FIXED rpm.... BUT.... how many times have YOU driven your kart down the straight on FULL throttle but had the revs REMAIN at a FIXED figure for 4 or 5 seconds WELL below the maximum ? If you have, may I suggest that you take your FOOT OFF THE BRAKE! The only REAL test of power is the RATE OF CHANGE of revs.... because that is EXACTLY what you need: the HIGHEST rate of change under realistic LOAD!
My point is that measure your power ON the kart IS the 'realistic test'. You really do NOT care if you CALL it 20bhp or 4,000bhp. All that matters is if the changes you make make it either 20.1bhp (or 4001bhp)!