Only moved up myself this year Start on a 148 jet, go up or down depending on plug and piston crown (wet/dry), if wet go down a jet to lean off. Start with Needle clip on 2 and go up or down depeding on acceleration out of corners, but generally 2 is a good position. A weather station and software would be good but you need to set the carb up right to get the best out of it. If youv'e moved up from cadet then SMOOTH acceleration is important, not like cadet when you can floor it all the time, smoothly out of bends and when on the straight just back off the throttle a little, this should give a little extra power. A quick test to see if your running rich is when on a straight slightly lift the choke, if it splutters your too rich, if it picks up speed your too lean. I'm sure others will advise but it's a starting point