Get down to Tesco and buy a small plastic funnel (about 3 inch across at widest - transparent type makes viewing fluid level easier); trim the end so it screws into the master cylinder with no excess inside. The following assumes system is fitted to kart - if it's removed, fit the master cylinder in it's correct position or hold in a vice or similar at proper orientation. Take the caliper off the chassis and with pads removed, hang in a container and support so no strain on the pipes at master cylinder - if kart is on a trolley you should be able to get a drop of around 2 feet. You will need to remove caliper side seat bolt to allow caliper to be dropped low down. Make sure pistons are pressed into caliper so they are flush with surface - do not push all the way in so they are inset or you lose pedal travel! Top up the funnel, then open bleed screw to allow fluid through by gravity. One funnel full for each side should expel all the air but do not let level in funnel 'disappear'. Clean the caliper of excess fluid and make sure master cylinder is topped up and that should do the trick. Do not press the brake with pads out or the pistons will pop out. do not get fluid on pads. Used this method for 4 years on both single and double master cylinder Venom brakes - with some success :)