As most are aware now this meeting is being held on 14th june It is in rememberance of Chris Hart and (13 year old ) Robert Bailey who both lost their lives to cancer. This will be the 4th running of the event and each year it gets bigger and better. As previously we are aiming to raise as much money as possible for Cancer Research UK. Last year we managed to raise the fantastic amount of over �3000. Each year we have relied upon the same local sponsors to help support the event.Obviously with the world as it is we cannot expect their same level of support again, so we are looking to expand the range of sponsors. Hopefully everybody will agree that this has been a great event in the past and the end cause is well worth while our effort. If you would like to become a sponsor of this great TKM event in aid of Cancer Research UK please form an orderly que below (!) or contact the club on Thank you.