whilst the clutches of the top 10 were changed in the pre final, grease WAS allowed on the bearing as people were in there with pots of grease AND asked the scruts if that was ok and it was, however as a friend pointed out, ONLY these top ten had their clutch marked so if a change was needed they had to go back to the scruts and do it there, ANYONE who was NOT in the top ten didnt get it marked which meant (as some did) if they got into the top ten for the final they were free to do what they wanted LOOPHOLE !!!!!! so rowrah, ALL drivers had there clutch stripped AND the scruts placed grease on the bearing and marked the nut so if you needed to chane the front sprocket etc you had to go back to the scrut which i think was a fair and proper way to police the situation. the 3000rpm test was brought in for the old clutch NOT the new one and as people will tell you the NEW CLUTCH SLIPS WHEN NEW AND COLD normally so a bit of dodgy ground there? jag/rotax are at fault for not thoroughly testing all possibilites here, not the drivers, mechanics or scruts ! lets remember that