Invader, you ask;
"Okay john so will it be okay if we roll up on the grid with grease on the clutch element not just on the bearing the kart moves at 2950 rpm but to actually get it moving at a sensible speed to get of the grid its reving to nearer 5 or 6k my reason for putting grease on the clutch element is to gain an advantage by helping the kart come of a corner better.My clutch is standard but after all the slipping is now heavily worn which seems to help it slip better is this okay or am I cheating."
Under the current rules you are NOT cheating if all the clutch components are standard and as manufactured and you run as you describe above.
But by the same rule if the scrutineers ask for you to remove any grease on the clutch prior to you racing they are also correct in that request, provided of course they are not just picking on you.