i think the biggest issue here is the not knowing. The spending or whether the '09 engines will be the be all and end all to the situation is secondary. There are numerous posts in this thread alone that refer to chassis set up and driver quality, of that is correct too. The probel is that JAG have the majority of us by the short and curleys! Based in the SW, what other choice is there? Dunkeswell has no Blue or TKM (Jnr or Snr), Clay has no Jnr Blue and the occassional Blue Snr grid but TKM is virtually none existant in Jnr despite people working tirelessly last year to rebuild, Forest has no Jnr in either. Compare that to very strong grids in EVERY rotax class, you really can understand where people's frustration is coming from! I fully understand that there may not be an 'official' outcome as yet over the '09 stuff, but come on surely an interim statement to keep people upto date would suffice? Perhaps in that statement they could state any performance differences they have found in testing too, it would also quash any rumours! For instance, I've heard that the new engine was tested on Monday with and without a 'restrictor' to satisfy the MSA etc and it actually went faster with a restrictor!! An engine builder has to fax the sheet to Jean ON THE DAY that an engine rebuild takes place, along with everything that has been done, measurements etc etc. So when is the information going to be as forthcoming in return?