Technically you could say I was in both groups! :-)
Initially my reson for getting into Rotax was because of the "percieved" notion that due to the seals it was a class that had a level playing field.
Once we got into the class it became very clear that this was NOT the case! We had a good thread going on this very subject quite some time ago and Allanr, you and I took some flack from several people because of our views. I did say that newbies coming into Rotax were being lured into the class because of this perception and if I had to do it again knowing what I know now I would never have gone into Rotax.
I know that there are monster motors out there and have spent considerable amounts of cash trying to get a motor that can come anywhere near them with some success but those last 2 tenths are the most expensive to get and frankly I realise I am out of my league when it comes to that stage.
Bring on the 09 barrel and lets get a more level playing field than it is at the moment. Sure there will still be some motors out there that will be quicker than others but if it meant the owners of monster motors and us mere mortals will all have to spend �900 to get motors updated to the 09 barrel I think it is the lesser (and cheaper) of the 2 evils for everyone concerned.
Obviously the owners of the monster motors will lose on their investments in the motors but thats the way the cookie crumbles. 2 of my motors that cost me quite a bit are not worth what I paid for them as a result of the 09 barrel but thats life.
Heres hoping the MSA will see sense and let us race with the 09 barrel in the near future. (I'm not holding my breath though!)