If they are IDENTICAL in all other ways, the old American 'logic' which says: "theres no substitute for 'cubes'"....(which translates to meaning: 'a bigger cubic capacity engine will ALWAYS be faster than a smaller capacity engine').....
.... then, because the larger bore IS a larger capacity, it SHOULD be quicker....
However, you CANNOT make two engines 'identical' (chaos theory tells us this). Even simply machining a small bore engine into a larger bore engine will have changed MORE than just the bore size; for example; it will have altered the angles and lengths of the inlet and exhaust ports.
So.... making it FRCATIONALLY larger bore may lose you power becasue of some unforeseen change. If you bored it out to be 200cc.... then you could be nearly CERTAIN it would be quicker than the original 115cc.
Of course, the contrary answer is that the REAL answer is that it is ME that is the 'largest bore'.......